
The Hybrid IT Landscape: Forecast Costs to Determine the Right Mix

June 18, 2024
June 10, 2024
min read

As the IT landscape continues to evolve, integrating both on-premises and cloud solutions is becoming increasingly popular. Organizations need to strike a balance between these options to optimize their resources, enhance flexibility, and manage costs effectively. Financial Operations (FinOps) provides a strategic framework to manage these financial complexities.

The Hybrid IT Challenge

The main question for many organizations is what to migrate to the cloud and what to keep on-premises. Both options have their benefits and challenges:

  • On-premises: Requires capital expenditures for hardware and software, along with ongoing maintenance costs. It involves provisioning for peak loads, which can lead to underutilization during off-peak times.
  • Cloud: Offers flexibility with on-demand pricing models and can be cost-effective with proper rightsizing. However, the variability of usage patterns and different pricing models can make financial management complex.

FinOps: A Strategic Approach

FinOps provides a strategic approach to managing financial operations in hybrid IT environments. The key elements of a successful FinOps strategy include:

  • Data Collection: Understanding past usage patterns helps predict future needs and make informed decisions.
  • Cost Impact Analysis: Using machine learning (ML) to forecast future costs accurately.
  • Resource Optimization: Determining the right mix of on-premises and cloud resources to minimize costs and maximize performance.
  • Scenario Planning: Developing future-proof plans based on different scenarios and potential cost savings.

The Benefits of a Hybrid Approach

A hybrid IT strategy supported by a FinOps framework offers several benefits:

  • Cost Efficiency: Optimizing spending through a combination of on-premises and cloud resources.
  • Flexibility: Scaling resources to quickly respond to changing business needs.
  • Resilience: Providing a robust IT infrastructure that ensures business continuity.
  • Sustainability: Reducing energy consumption through efficient resource management.


Embracing FinOps is crucial for successfully managing a hybrid IT environment. It provides organizations with the tools to manage costs effectively and make strategic decisions aligned with business goals. By integrating FinOps, organizations can benefit from the stability and control of on-premises systems and the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.

Dynamically forecasting future workloads and costs at a very granular level plays a vital role in determining the right mix of on-premises and cloud resources to minimize costs and maximize performance. This is where Tangent comes into play.  

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